Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekend exercise

I liked this :)

Well, after much procrastinating I went back to WW this week.....  I just haven't been able to find the 'click' for over 6 months.  My weight although stablised (still 4.6kg above my goal weight) seems to have re-distrubuted itself and I am struggling with how my clothes are fitting.  After many weeks of "weighing" up the pros and cons the overriding conclusion was the times I am successful is when I am accountable and going to meetings seemed to acheive this for me.

I am fortunate that the meeting I go to have wonderful staff - who have been there for a number of years.  They still remember me :)...

So it is back to having more focus and being accountable.  The accountability is also to update my blog with how things are going each week.

Exercise:   My goal for this week is to do some regular exercise and this weekend I made a great start.   Saturday - usual morning walk however for 1.5hrs and then a hike up into the Waitakere Ranges today (3.5hrs - with 1hr up hill)

Food and Water Intake.... ummm not so great, however small steps as I am trying to beat my sugar carvings and  my addiction to Diet Coke (only have had 3 cans since Wednesday!).

So yes I am back!  So time to get organised for the Week.....


1 comment:

Zanna said...

How wonderful to see you back! Zxx