Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Quick update - leav'ng on a Jet Plane

My bags are packed and I am leavn'g on a jet plane tomorrow - off to meet the gorgeous Miss Ruby... so exciting. 

I am having 10 days in Brisbane (again), it will be so lovely to see my daughter, SIL and new Grandbaby.  I just love babies - you may have gathered that from all my ravings :).   Being so far away has been really hard for me, however I know my daughter is a really strong, together - woman and will make an awesome mother.   I am really proud of how she is adapting to this wonderful new chapter of her life.  My SIL has also been incredible and is taking such good care of them both.

On the weight front this week I lost 600gms and was very happy with that as it was a stressful week - however  also the best week ever!!. 

I am taking my computer as I have to keep a few things going at work - so will update and maybe get some photos posted.

Thanks for all the lovely comments and birthday wishes :)   It was so lovely to log in tonight and see your kind words.

Take care and have a great week

Friday, August 06, 2010

The best birthday present EVER! Miss Ruby has arrived!

Yes I got my wish and the most beautiful little girl Miss Ruby Rose was born on the 4th August 2010 at 7pm weight 11lbs 7oz - finally by emergency C Section in Brisbane Australia.

It was a very stressful time for me being so far away and having to wait patiently to hear any news all day (that is a whole other story) . However the wonderful outcome was well worth it.

My daughter is doing well (C Section is not the best) however after 15hrs labour and the size of Ruby it was the best decision ever made.   The Son-in-law is totally in love and the family are all happily getting to know each other.

I so do miss not being able to share those first special days - photos are just not the same and I am a little jealous to hear other people are having cuddles with our little girl.   However I do not have long to wait until it is my turn as I have just booked to go over later next week when they are home to stay for a week. 

So exciting!!!!   and yes I will say it again the "best birthday present" I could ever get.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Another Week and the results were as expected

The dance of addiction... two steps forward and one step back!   Well... this week life got in the way of my good intentions and my resolve was not strong enough.   Not an excuse, it was just what happened.

Had a busy couple of nights - dinner out and catching up with friends and also on Friday I went to the Food Show in Auckland.  So many samples to try :(   so I have paid the price and gained 400gms this week.

And also No exercise :(   
Still that was then and this is now and it is another week.

The Plan:
So what is next on the exercise front! .... In July I did the Gold Coast Half marathon hehehe what a great experience.   We only walked/jogged so our time was not the greatest, but we got the medal and the t-shirt (and a shocking photo)  however had an absolute ball.   I am so glad I did it!!

Next up is November 27th - I have agreed (actually to be honest I have been convinced it will be great and I will be able to do it... yeah right ) to be part of a relay team for the Taupo Cycle Race.  The full course is 160km however we are doing it as a relay team of 4.   So in theory only 40km (how hard can that be)!  I have always loved to cycle, however I find the roads around here rather dangerous especially by myself.   However one of my goals is to compete in a cycle event and as time is quickly ticking by, I have decided to do it!!!.   I think I have rocks in my head sometimes!

So out with bike - I have not been on it for over 6 months, so it will need a little service.   On with the padded pants (oh what a sight!)  however believe me they are invaluable item of clothing for certain lady parts :).   Off to set up a training plan.  Surely it can't be "too bad"..... do you sense my apprehension.

On other news - no news of that baby yet.   My birthday is this Wednesday, so I am looking forward to sharing the day with a lovely wee girl (fingers crossed).


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't believe the scales

Do you ever stand on the scales and as the numbers slowly appear you disbelieve what they say?

That is what happened to me this morning - I got on, I got off, I got on and still they said the same number!  hehehe all in a good way.   I lost 1kg this week - still not quite sure if I believe the number.  

However have recorded the success and now on to week 2 :)

The sun shone this morning and it was a great day for a early morning walk 1.5hrs - done and dusted by 9.00am.   A beautiful day in Auckland today :).

This week has been not all been smooth sailing and I have struggled with my food in the evening.   All is good until I get home at night and then things go off the rails.   I know I need to plan my meals and  I need to come home to something prepared. The thought of what to have when I am tired is not good for me!

So my goal for this week is to plan and prepare a minimum of 3 meals tomorrow for the freezer.   Surely that can't be to difficult :)

Off for another walk in the morning tomorrow!  Fingers crossed it will be another beautiful day.  

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Where does time go....

It has been a while (a bit of an understatement)  however just wanted to record a few things.

  1.  Grandbaby due in 10 days - a beautiful wee girl will soon be here (so sad the family are so far away).  Mother is grummy and over the waiting game.  I will fly to Brisbane a few days after the birth :) to meet her.
  2. Did the Gold Coast 1/2 marathon  4th July 2010 - got the medal and the t-shirt.  Fantastic time and so glad I did it.   Great team effort girls  
  3. Weight Loss - nothing.   The constant off and back on is driving me crazy.  However no-one to blame except myself.    Love to get back in the groove -  you know that place where it just all comes together!    Never ever give up......  I am still here
  4. New goal is to take better care of myself!   My challenge for the next three months is to eat well consistantly and control my stress better.    Watch this space :).


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Late update - Week 2

How quickly the weeks go!!! Another loss of 500gm for last week Had quite a good week - exercise was excellent, food was better and water was good.

Still getting my head back around the small losses. I felt a little disappointed at only 500gms, however slapped myself quickly and accepted the loss gratefully.

6 days later I would love that loss for this week.- not so good, sad to say. Had an absolute frantic week at work and have not planned and organised my food. I am really bad at not eating and then grabbing anythng quick I can (usually sugar and heavy carbs.) So it looks like it will be a gain tomorrow :( but again deserved considering what has passed my lips.  Now what is one of the golden rules..... Plan your meals

Today is another day and have planned my breakfast and made my lunch and  prepared snacks  before bed tonight - just doing that has made me feel a lot better.

Loving summer at the moment - long may it last. My garden is looking very sad, however the warm weather is just so lovely. And living in Titirangi is just breath taking - I will post some photos shortly once I figure out how to load photos again


p.s. just 8 more sleeps and I am off to Brisbane

Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 1

Well I survived the first week and acheived a 400gm loss.   Par for the course, my weight loss has always been small losses per week.  This has always been a challenge for me (a real head thing), however I know that slowly, slowly I can acheive the results I want - I just need to keep going and never give up!!

On reflection, my effort for this first week was only really about 65% - so a 400gm loss is GREAT.  My exercise plan lifted off last weekend but then took a nose dive for the rest of the week as I did not get out again.   My water and food were so/so..... 

Anyway onwards we go.... Since Friday I am going great guns and have been on track -  exercising, eating well (within my points allowance) and also my water have been excellent up to 2ltrs per day. Go Me :)

I spoke with my DD2 tonight (who now lives in Brisbane) and by the way is having a baby (their 1st)  how dear she do that and live so far away heheheh.  Anyway I was over in January for a long weekend and I am going back again on the 11th March for a few days.   They are moving house and tonight she asked me if I would like to come over as she has her 2nd Baby Scan on the Thursday and she asked if I would like to be there .... WooHoo as they will find out the sex.   Also I will get to help them settle into their new house - meaning I will get to help unpack! Loving it...

So I am all booked - over on Thursday 11th returning Sunday 14th!    .... time for some serious baby shopping I believe.  

Just so excited!  Can you tell.