Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't believe the scales

Do you ever stand on the scales and as the numbers slowly appear you disbelieve what they say?

That is what happened to me this morning - I got on, I got off, I got on and still they said the same number!  hehehe all in a good way.   I lost 1kg this week - still not quite sure if I believe the number.  

However have recorded the success and now on to week 2 :)

The sun shone this morning and it was a great day for a early morning walk 1.5hrs - done and dusted by 9.00am.   A beautiful day in Auckland today :).

This week has been not all been smooth sailing and I have struggled with my food in the evening.   All is good until I get home at night and then things go off the rails.   I know I need to plan my meals and  I need to come home to something prepared. The thought of what to have when I am tired is not good for me!

So my goal for this week is to plan and prepare a minimum of 3 meals tomorrow for the freezer.   Surely that can't be to difficult :)

Off for another walk in the morning tomorrow!  Fingers crossed it will be another beautiful day.  

1 comment:

Zanna said...

Woo Hoo - you're back again - lovely to hear from you Zxx